学校成立于1823年,有悠久的历史,是米歇尔施塔特市的重点高中,在距离法兰克福以南80公里。The school was founded at 1823. It is the central High School in the city of Michelstadt in the Odenwald, an area 80km south of Frankfurt/Main in the centre of Germany.
学校有10到20岁的学生,约1600名,教师120名。高中部约有学生600名。Today 1600 pupils, who are between 10 to 20 years old, attend the school and 120 teachers are permanently employed.
学校的座右铭是拉丁文的谚语“勇于求知”,即鼓励学生发展自信,准备好他们的生活。The school´s motto is the Latin proverb “Sapere aude”, which means “Have the courage to think”. Therefore they encourage their students to develop a self-confidence that prepares them well for life.
经历了一个艰难的过程后,学校光荣地成为MINT项目的成员,这意味着学校将把数学、计算机和自然科学作为重点关注学科。After they have gone through a difficult selection process they are proud to have become part of the MINT project. This means that the school has a special focus on Maths, IT and Natural Sciences.